Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 2126

Good Evening, I may make some mistakes, again, tonight because I lost one of my contact lenses today. You'd think it would be just as easy to type without your sight but these computers aren't as easy to keep your hands in the correct place, so when I make a mistake I have to put my nose next to the screen to see what it was and then plant my nose on the keyboard to find my position again. Just be forgiving.

It's been a very eventful few days. Yesterday was the day that we thought David would be fitted for his new legs and we thought he would be standing but not quite. We did have a two hour appointment with Pete in Prosthetics and David got completely remeasured and recast for his new legs which should be on his body by Wednesday. It is very very very exciting. He received his new liners that are worn inside the socket of the leg. The left liner was made with an attachment on the end that will take a special pin that inserts and locks into a hole in the socket and gives his left leg a much better fit so he doesn't walk out of the leg and face plant on the sidewalk. Pete is great, he talks to you in terms that are really understanding - I didn't know how great he was until he had a colleague drop by from back east and he was talking in all these technical terms that had my head spinning. A very nice guy but totally different in his approach to the soldiers.

When we went to PT David was only able to do two laps because his leg was so sore. The surgery he had on Monday really made the back of his left leg very tender and the skin has torn several times. His stamina is really good right now and it is very frustrating that the pain of one small spot stops him from walking. Several of the sites that were lasered last Monday are now flaking off and the skin seems much more movable in many areas. David, like everything else, is a very special case here - his H O is completely out of control and everywhere so it's very hard to be consistent with his daily routines. You just have absolutely no idea what's going to hurt or not hurt the next time he puts on his legs.

He is loving driving and I've determined he is really a lead hand. Get it?

Last night he took off, by himself, in the Jeep and went to dinner with Zack. I felt like a dad with a young man out on a date or something - I just kept wondering if he was OK. When he left we went to the Jeep together and I was just the spotter. He opened the back door and window, climbed into the back of the jeep and slid to one side so he could lift the chair into the back. He did it with ease and then closed the window and door and climbed through the Jeep to the front and drove away. It is very cool that he is feeling this kind of freedom.

Today we did some creative work and then went to Lowe's to get the materials needed to design a handle that he could use ot open the back door from inside. It was a bit trick because there is nothing we could find that was already designed. But, now he has a mountain climbing carabiner that acts as a handle and he can open the back gate from inside. It's amazing what incredible minds us Lyon men have - stop laughing.

Today Lynnette called me in severe pain and she is now just headed home from the Emergency Room. Tomorrow at 9am she will return to the hospital and get a test done and, more than likely, head to surgery to have her gall bladder removed. I think she is all morphined up right now so she isn't feeling much pain but, hopefully, this will take care of what she has been going through for the past year or so. I thought it might be stress - I wonder why I thought that. Thank you Shirley, Brian, Wally, and Rachelle for taking care of my incredible wife.

I love you all,


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