Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8/18/2010 2343 hrs

David is looking really good. He feels he is starting to get a belly from eating too much pie. He has progressed alot and is able to get himself in and out of the car. Him and Catherine are mobile in their Cadillac and staying busy. He may be able to get out of his hospital room and into a real bed, hopefully in a week.
It is really frustrating for him to not be where he wants to be progression wise. Davids right leg is still really tender. He thinks it is ridiculous that it will not heal already. If there was a workout to fix it he would do it over and over in a heartbeat.
MaryJayne (his sister), (me), can not get enough hugs and love being able to finally see him. I am so happy to just have a hug and another one and well it's pretty great.

1 comment:

  1. Lyon Family,
    I served with David back when he was a young lance corporal. He was our radio operator when we (Scout Platoon) were in Fallujah back in 2004-2005. He is a fantastic Marine and I was very excited for him when he lat-moved into EOD. We have several friends in the community and we knew he'd be a good fit.

    Today is the first day that I learned that he was wounded - needless to say, I'm relatively speechless (I'm an attorney now, so that's saying a lot). Please pass on our well-wishes for a speedy recovery and the following note: David - if you need *anything* (even free legal advice), let me know and I'll bend heaven and earth for you, brother.

    Capt Russell Shinn
    the former "Scout 7"
