Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 1351

For a day without surgery, this has been a very busy day.

They decided to pull two of his JP Suctions on the right leg, which is a small tube that runs inside the wound, or wounds in this case, and has a clear rubber ball on the end that is compressed to create a light suction to draw extra fluids from the wound. David tried to let them pull them without any extra pain meds and that, very quickly, presented itself as the wrong decision. It's a bit like pulling a dried, firmly attached scab, from a nerve ending. He received some extra doses of pain meds and gave it another try. We were successful but I knew it hurt because it hurt me and I didn't feel a thing. I gave him my hand to squeeze on the last pull and and he still has a pretty good grip.

Last night we had to turn David and I supported his left shoulder. I knew he was really in pain because he aggressively started growling and his muscles were trembling. Within seconds he is back talking and assuring Lynnette and I that everything is just fine. Yah Right!

Next, the Physical Therapist came in to offer him some more pain. The natural, most comfortable, position for David's legs to be in is totally spread eagle. I guess the hips become very stiff if left in that position for any length of time, so the therapist wanted to start working with him to get his legs back together - pins or no pins. So she and I began to push and, oh my gosh, it didn't even seem like any pain meds had been given. Then we positioned two Saline bags and three folded blankets between his right leg and the side of the bed to keep it that way.

Next, it was time for X-ray which required going over every bump in the hallways and through the thresholds of the elevators and then moving him from one bed to the hard X-ray table and then back to the bed and back over the thresholds and all the bumps and tile floors and back into his room. Then we put new pads under him and washed his back - that required us to tilt the bed up, the myself and a Corpsman held him in that position while they lowered the bed away from him. Once that was done it was time to get the Saline bag and the three rolled up blankets back in place between his right leg and the bed rails. Then myself and a corpsman used a pad and lifted his entire torso up so they could adjust everything below him.

Other than all that, he has rested comfortably while visiting with Lt. Col. ????? and four other visitors. David is a very popular guy. It's nice being a little famous for receiving his Senior EOD Certification and Badge from the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps.

David is eating as much as he can but it is still, obviously, not enough to give him the calories or protein he needs, so, the feeding tube stays in for now.

We talked with the Orthopedic Surgeons today and were told that David is OK to set up to the point the fixator will allow. We were concerned with stretching out and separating the Integra on his wounds and were told that, "if it's going to stretch, it's better we find out now, before the skin grafts go on, so have him push as much as his pain will allow!". The Physical Therapist told David that she would like him in a wheelchair and going outside as soon as possible and it made David really light up. Any goal is a good goal!!!!

I have to take a moment to thank those in my Ward back home who have decided they would like to put up a flag pole in my yard. A day or so before I received a phone call from Glen Larsen, Lynnette and I were talking about doing that very thing. Sometimes we ask others what we can do for them and they usually say "oh, nothing, I've got everything taken care of!". But I've realized that, if we can see what needs to be done to assist and let the receiver know of our plans to help, they are extremely grateful. I know my heart is very tender for all of the acts of kindness from so many of you wonderful people.

All My Love Until Later,


1 comment:

  1. a wheel chair huh dave? maybe we can race!! im still a bitt slow so ill have a chance!! yippee!!! :) i am healing well too. i have been without my crutches for i think three weeks now. i still move about the same speed as with them but its nice not having sore pits. know what i mean? well dude, let me know when you get outside!! wont be long before the wind is running through that icky thing you call a mustache. holla pimp! love ya dude!
